Career Counselling
Career Counseling is a life long process since the individual choose an occupation, prepare for it, and make progress in it. Career Counselling has to do with knowing their interest, selection of their subject, formation of their study habit and make them progress in those subject and activities and attain the ultimate aim of getting good career as per their wish. It is concerned primarily with helping the individual to make decisions and choices involved in planning for future and to form career decisions and choice necessary in affecting career adjustment. According to me Career counseling is a personalized process that combines both intuitive and cognitive techniques to help to understand oneself, explore career options, and clarify and attain desired career goals. The processes of career counseling offer insight, guidance and support to help students to understand and manage different career and lifestyle issues.Jones et al. (1970) proposed that the following five assumptions underlie the trait-factor conception of vocational development.
HR Global provides career counselling to Job seekers from all backgrounds in all ages and in different stages of life. We give counselling to a fresh graduate to inform him about the career choices available to him, also suggest to all those who want to change their job or to the people who are stuck in the mid of their career.
Counselling services main purpose to help the applicants how to explore and investigate potential majors and occupations. A career counselor helps applicants to get into a job placement that is suited to their ability, qualities, interest and skills. So it is the process of making an effective correlation between the internal psychologies of a candidate with the external factors of employability.
To accomplish the needs of the clients, HR Global as a job consultancy provide Career Counselling & Guidance to the job seeker. Based on their profiles and capabilities, we provide them a right guidance path for their career. We make sure that we weigh up the aspirant on the basis of their interest, education and skills and provide them with the best job offers that are perfectly fit from them. Our Career Counselling & Guidance has helped many aspirants make their name in specific careers.
Career counselling plays a vital role in today employment services because different careers and professional opportunities are emerging day by day. The approach of career counselling varies, but will generally include the completion of one or more assessments. Career counselling assessments typically include Intelligence test, Psychometric tests, interest test and Personality tests.
Career Counselling FAQs
How can I schedule an appointment?
Select a counsellor from our panel. You will be able to see the dates and times that the counsellor is free. Click on a date accordingly. You will receive an email confirming the details.
What if the counsellor is not able attend?
Another appointment will be scheduled free of cost at a date and time convenient to you and the counsellor
What if I am unable to attend on the chosen day and time?
We require an email from you with at least 24 hours notice in the event that you will not be able to attend the session.
Why should I take a counselling session with HR Global?
Our counsellors have extensive experience in guiding students. They will help you to understand the ground realities and prospects of your chosen career.
How good are your counsellors?
We have two types of counsellors – professionally qualified counsellors and graduates from world-class institutes such as the IITs and IIMs.
Do I need to take the Career Test in order to book the counselling session?
It is highly recommended that you take the career test, as your results will be shared with the career counsellor. As a result, the counsellor will be better able to determine which careers and courses are most suited for you.